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الجمعة، 15 يونيو 2012

Proper golf grip how to grip the club to make an effective swing

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Proper Golf Grip-how To Grip The Club To Make An Effective Swing

What is the proper golf grip? Simply, having the right golf grip is probably one of the most important aspects of the golf technique because if you get this part wrong, the rest of your swing is already shot.

Very simply, if you do get the golf grip right, even if you do a lot of things wrong during the golf swing, you still have a chance at hitting a decent shot. Here are some golf tips for beginners and more advanced players to help you get the proper golf grip for y...

proper golf grip, golf technique, golf tips for beginners, golf tips lessons on the web

What is the proper golf grip? Simply, having the right golf grip is probably one of the most important aspects of the golf technique because if you get this part wrong, the rest of your swing is already shot.

Very simply, if you do get the golf grip right, even if you do a lot of things wrong during the golf swing, you still have a chance at hitting a decent shot. Here are some golf tips for beginners and more advanced players to help you get the proper golf grip for your swing, and help you play a lifetime of good golf.

First of all, remember that there are three different ways to grip a golf club when swinging. No one is necessarily the most effective, so here they are: the overlapping grip, the interlocking grip, and the baseball grip.

Again, no one of these grips is the exact right way, and you will have to experiment to find out which one works for you. Keep in mind, the overlapping grip is the one that most of the PGA Tour pros use, and you very well might find that works the best for you.

For the overlapping golf grip, you simply put your little finger of one hand over your index finger. For the interlocking grip, it is very similar to overlapping, but the two fingers simply interlocked instead of overlap. It is notable that Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus both used the interlocking golf grip, although most PGA pros don't. You certainly cant do much better than these two.

With the baseball grip, the set of fingers are not overlapped or interlock, but basically meet together like with a baseball grip. Very few PGA pros use this golf grip, but if you find works good for you, you might want to give it a shot.

No matter which grip you decide to use, however, make absolutely sure that your hands are relaxed because this is the most important part of the golf swing. If your hands are tight and tense, this will add tension to the rest of your body, and therefore will slow your swing down and hurt your golf swing. The only way you can make a proper golf swing is when you are completely relaxed; if you tense up over the ball, this will cause you to mis-hit it.

Hopefully these proper golf grip tips will help you get the right golf grip for your swing, and to start playing golf as effectively as you can possibly play. Again, as I said earlier, no matter how good your golf swing, if you don't have the right grip, you can never play as effectively as you otherwise might.

Simply experiment with these three different grips, find out which one works the best for you, and then start practicing with it every single day. The only way to really master anything is to practice it quite a bit, so find the proper golf grip that works for you, and practice until you master it.

Also, there are many great golf tips and lessons on the web that might help you out as well. Hopefully these tips will help you improve your game quickly and effortlessly.


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