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الاثنين، 28 مايو 2012

Repowering utility carts makes green sense but does it make financial sense

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Repowering utility carts makes Green Sense, But does it make financial sense?

This article explains the benefits of repowering your vehicle. The article details the experiences of an organization that chose to repower their fleet of vehicles. We further show, that it's not only better on the environment but it will also save you money.

utility cart, cushman truckster, kohler engine, repower

Golfers at the Hindman Park Golf Course in Little Rock, Arkansa have something to brag about they have the greenest greens in the state. Not the color green green as in environmentally friendly. Environmentally friendly golf courses came to national attention about ten years ago, when the Environmental Protection Agency, the American Society of Golf Course Architects (ASGCA), the United States Golf Association (USGA), Audubon International and the National Wildlife Federation came together and created a set of guidelines for developing greener golf courses.

According to the Audubon Society, golf courses are a natural place (no pun intended) to turn for wildlife shelters and habitats. The guidelines, published in 1997, offer tips and suggestions for golf course owners and municipalities that make the greens even greener environmentally. Hindman Parks Supervisor took their suggestions to heart. He and his crew have put up over 40 nesting boxes around the course, and planted 100 fruit trees to encourage


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