The Costs Of Good Web Hosting
The cost of good web hosting differs among web hosts. It can cost anywhere from Free to hundreds of dollars each month. Here you will learn about the different price ranges of web hosts and hosting plans. Use this information to gain insight regarding web hosts and help you make the most informed decision when searching the web for a web host.
Generally you will find five web hosts pricing styles. First you have the free Web Hosting,then the low budget Web Hosting,the low ...
good web hosting, web hosting,
The cost of good web hosting differs among web hosts. It can cost anywhere from Free to hundreds of dollars each month. Here you will learn about the different price ranges of web hosts and hosting plans. Use this information to gain insight regarding web hosts and help you make the most informed decision when searching the web for a web host.
Generally you will find five web hosts pricing styles. First you have the free Web Hosting,then the low budget Web Hosting,the low cost Web Hosting,the semi-pricey Web Hosting, and the high end Web Hosting.Each web hosting style has it's advantages and disadvantages,as well as different price structures. Let's start with the "Free Web Hosting" now this might sound inviting, after all it is free. But having a free web host comes at a price, the web host usually offer a smaller amount of web space, and are good for only "simple needs" customers,(no databases, media, email, etc.) Then they need to support themselves to supply free web hosting so, they charge for other services, such as: email, domain name registration, banner removal or service upgrades. Extra costs from free hosts for, yearly domain name registration fee, one-time set-up fee, fee to remove ad banners. You can expect no customer support, if you have a problem with your website. And in most cases you have to put" ther
The "Low Budget" web hosting, are similar to free hosts in features offered, and reliability and support. These web hosts also charge a smell fee, from $1-$15 dollars per month. The good thing is they usually dont require users to place banner ads on their sites. These sites are usually called basic plan or starter plan, and are made for a beginning web user who isnt worried about site support or reliability.
The "Low-Cost" Web Hosts are the most popular, and the most competitive group out there. As far as affordability and services offered they are the best of both worlds. Low cost web hosts,offer a lot of features for a very low price, starting between $5-$10 per month. this sort of host is recommended the most because of the low price and they offer the best features and tools. The down side is they offer so much for so little and spend more on marketing than customer support and hardware. So, if you dont need instant support, and a big website these hosts are the best deal out there.
Hosts that are pricey hosts are merely overpriced low-cost hosts that dont have the top-notch features or support of high-end hosts. These hosts are usually from $15-$50 per month,and are the smaller web hosts who havent been able to drop prices enough to compete with the low cost web hosting crowd. Because of the price they usually have fewer customers resulting in a more one-on-one service. If you can afford them, make sure to get a reliable one that plans to be around for awhile.
Almost all web hosts have a package to beat all packages, this is the "High End" web hosting package. If you are a shared hosting users with a need for specific services or quality trained web site support staff, than this is the one you need. You can expect a high level of performance from these premium hosts. Prices can start as low as $15 per month, and go up to hundreds of dollars per month. You should expect some very professional and efficient service, with good reliability.
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