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الخميس، 14 يونيو 2012

Role of nutrients in hair growth.

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Role Of Nutrients In Hair Growth.

Hair requires a few nutrients, hormones and vitamins for the normal growth and any change in the amount of nutrients effects the growth of the hair. The Hormones influence the growth of the hair to the maximum extent.

nutrients, hair growth, melanin, hormones, vitamins, minerals.

Hormones and Vitamins play an important role in the Hair growth. Hair consists of a pigment called "Melanin" which also occurs in the skin of human beings. This pigment is responsible for the dark nature of the skin and hair. In Young people, hair has large number of melanin pigments which leads to Dark nature of the hair and with the increase of the age, the no. of melanin pigments decreases, leading to whitening of the hair in old People. In older poeple, the follicles produce thin and long hair, and also sometimes also do not produce any hair. This is the cause for the Baldness in old people.

Alcohol effects hair growth, i.e. Alcoholics have poor hair growth or they experience hair loss due to malnutrition.
The Essential mineral for the growth hair is - Zinc (Zn) which is responsible for hair growth and also prevents hair from becoming Greyish in nature. Hormones and vitamins also have an essential role in hair growth -
Androgens are helpful in hair growth and also helps in Strengthening


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