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الجمعة، 15 يونيو 2012

Propecia breaks all the barriers that cause hair loss

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Propecia Breaks All the Barriers that Cause Hair Loss

Hair loss is a worst problem that a male can ever face in his life. But thanks to Propecia which is especially developed for the treatment of male pattern hair loss. There is no restriction on food while taking Propecia. Though the medicine is mild and tolerable, better consult a doctor for further benefits.

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Male pattern hair loss i.e. a receding hair line or slow balding at the crown, is the most common problems of hair loss. It is typically a continuation process and if neglected, the hair loss is likely to continue. Well its true that hair loss may be a family problem. But researchers believe that it is due to a chemical called dihydrotestosterone or just DHT in short, is the main cause of male pattern hair loss.

Due to the increase in DHT, the hair follicles on the head shrink and causes hair fall and if somehow this DHT is decreased, there can be complete halt for further hair loss. In this circumstance, Propecia has shown some outstanding promise. FDA trials proved that 2 out of 3 men tested with Propecia regrew hair and the third one hasnt experienced any further hair loss.

Propecia is a suitable remedy for treating mild and moderate hair loss. It not only slows down hair loss but improves hair growth as well. Most important of all, it works only on scalp and doesnt affect the hairs on the other pa


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