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الاثنين، 13 فبراير 2012

Obesity sexual health and other health effects

Obesity, Sexual Health and Other Health Effects

This article talks about the health effects of being obese. Aside from diabetes, coronary heart disease, and certain ulcers, recent medical studies reveal that obesity may also lead to low testosterone levels and hamper the sexual health of many men.

sexual problem

Obesity has been getting the attention of many health specialists because of the ill-effects it brings. Obesity is defined as an abnormal accumulation of body fat. Individuals who are 20 to 40 percent over one's ideal weight is considered as mildly obese, 40 to 100 percent over the their ideal weight is considered moderately obese, and 100 percent over one's ideal weight is considered severely obese. Body mass index, calipers, waist-hip ratio are some of the methods that are commonly used to measure body fat.

Obese individuals might be prone to health risks like cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, certain types of ulcers and diabetes, and coronary heart disease. Recent medical studies reveal that obesity may also lead to low testosterone levels and hamper the sexual health of many men. It is suggested that obesity is a significant predictor of low testosterone. These studies add that gaining ten percent in one's appropriate Body Mass Index (BMI) may lead to decreased testosterone levels by about ten percent. Because of this, fat or over weight individuals may have up to 25 percent less total testosterone than their fit counterparts. In addition to this, obesity may lead to high blood pressure, a condition that usually brings no obvious symptoms. High blood pressure may cause the blood vessels to harden and damage the lining of the blood vessels. Because of this development, less blood which carries oxygen and nutrients flow to the penis. Decreased blood flow may cause difficulties in achieving and ma

Obesity may also heighten the risk of developing several health conditions that may include the following:

arthritis and other orthopedic problems like lower back pain
adult-onset asthma
high cholesterol levels
irregular monthly periods and absence of menstruation (amenorrhea)
infertility and pregnancy complications
shortness of breath
sleep apnea and other sleeping disorders
skin disorders that develop because of bacterial breakdown from sweat and other cellular material in thick folds of skin

One of the probable causes of obesity high calories in diets coupled with inactivity. A study conducted by the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report in February, 2004 showed that Americans consumed more calories than they did 30 years ago. The study found out that from 1971 to 2004, American women increased their calorie consumption from 1542 calories per day to 1877. The men on the other hand, at the same time frame, increased their calorie intake from 2,450 to 2,618.

With the rise of calorie intake also came the decline of physical activities. However, less than 1/3 of adults engage in the appropriate amounts of exercise. In addition, 40% of adults in the United States do not participate in any physical activity while 43% of adolescents spend more than 2 hours in front of the television. It is recommended that individuals should accumulate at least 30 minutes among adults and 60 minutes among children of moderate physical activity three times a week. More are recommended to prevent weight gain or to lose weight.

Obese individuals who want to improve their sexual health and overall well-being should engage in regular exercise and healthy diets. Exercise is good for different people of all ages, sex, and weight. It is necessary to maintain overall health and enhanced well-being. Individuals who decide to include a regular program of physical activity should consult doctors and other health professionals for advice. This is important because a lot of individuals tend to workout too much or workout improperly, which may do more harm than good. Understanding healthy lifestyles and eating regimens may enable individuals to lose essential amounts of weight.


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Obesity not everybody agrees it is an epidemic

Obesity - Not Everybody Agrees It Is An Epidemic

Obesity has become such an important topic in health and self-improvement circles that it deserves its own "News and Views" column. Here is the February, 2006 issue.

**Book claims obesity "epidemic" is a big lie

In his new book, "Fat Politics: The Real Story Behind America's Obesity Epidemic", writer Eric Oliver claims that the ramped up concern over obesity in the last ten years has been driven by the weight loss industry.

According to Oliver his research led him to...

obesity, child obesity, overweight

Obesity has become such an important topic in health and self-improvement circles that it deserves its own "News and Views" column. Here is the February, 2006 issue.

**Book claims obesity "epidemic" is a big lie

In his new book, "Fat Politics: The Real Story Behind America's Obesity Epidemic", writer Eric Oliver claims that the ramped up concern over obesity in the last ten years has been driven by the weight loss industry.

According to Oliver his research led him to conclude that, "Based on the statistics most of the charges saying that obesity caused various diseases or that obesity caused thousands of deaths were simply not supported."

The writer does not dispute that the average American adult is between 8 and 12 pounds heavier today than in 1975. But he does dispute the significance of this weight gain to average health.

He claims that pharmaceutical companies andRecommended For You

Obesity it s eating up our society

Obesity - It's Eating Up Our Society

Obesity is the new epidemic sweeping the nation. Reported levels of obesity have soared within the last couple of years and are an all time high. Being ibese is not something that should be taken lightly and a lot of effort should be put in place to hep people who are obese loose weight, if they dont loose the weight serious consequences await them.

Obesity opens up doors for all sorts of health problems, not only that being obese cant make you feel good in general, you w...



Obesity is the new epidemic sweeping the nation. Reported levels of obesity have soared within the last couple of years and are an all time high. Being ibese is not something that should be taken lightly and a lot of effort should be put in place to hep people who are obese loose weight, if they dont loose the weight serious consequences await them.

Obesity opens up doors for all sorts of health problems, not only that being obese cant make you feel good in general, you will always be panting after walking only a short distance, you wont be able to manage stairs, finding clothes will be hard and expensive (not to mention the clothes arent very fashionable) and basic tasks will take you longer than usual. Many people are unhappy about being obese but sit there waiting for someone else to take over and get them into shape, that has to stop and obese people need to take responsibility for their own actions.

Albeit some people are obese due to medical problems, for example glandular conditions and thyroid


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Obesity is an increasing health risk

Obesity is an Increasing Health Risk

Obesity is a health risk. It may lead to a multiple of diseases in future. It is better to get out of obesity to remain away from the future diseases. Change in food habits and doing physical exercises are the cost effective and natural way of treating it.

Xenical, Obesity, Acomplia, Weight loss drug, Diet pills, Rimonabant Acomplia, Phentermine Diet Pills

High blood pressure, joint pains, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, heart ailments, palsy, liver ailments, menstrual abnormalities, breast cancer, female infertility, decline in libido, endometrial cancer, mental stress, blood circulation diseases like arteriosclerosis, cholelithiasis etc. These are some of the diseases which might come up with obesity. This list seems endless. But before knowing how to end obesity one must know what is obesity?

Whom would you consider a person to be obese? A person who has BMI (Body Mass Index) of over 30 is considered to be an obese individual. But how does one become obese? In theory causes of obesity are gene, intake of fatty foods, lacking of physical activity, food habits, laziness and endocrine problems.

What are the available remedies for getting out of obesity?

Liposuction: It is a surgical process where the fat is removed by sucking out the fat from the body by inserting a needle.

Surgery: Commonly this procedure involves surgery of stomach and intestine to lower t


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Obesity in kids linked to sleep deprivation

Obesity In Kids Linked To Sleep Deprivation

While the most popular benefit of sleep is to help kids grow taller and healthier,                     researchers have discovered that every additional hour per night a third-grader                     spends sleeping reduces the child's chances of being overweight in sixth grade by                     40 percent.

overweight, obesity

Mothers nagging kids to bed early is a common scenario. There are more significant reasons to it than to merely get rid of them and be relieved from baby-sitting. While the most popular benefit of sleep is to help kids grow taller and healthier, researchers have discovered that every additional hour per night a third-grader spends sleeping reduces the child's chances of being overweight in sixth grade by 40 percent.
According to Dr. Julie Lumeng of the University of Michigan, kids need at least 9 hours and 45 minutes of sleep everyday. The lesser they sleep, the higher the risk of obesity in sixth grade, regardless of the child's weight during third grade, said Lumeng who led the research.
This report will surely give a lot of parents additional reason to enforce early bedtime rules, restrict caffeine consumption as well as limit, if not totally prohibit, TV viewing in the bedroom.
Eve Van Cauter, endocrinologist of the University of Chicago, may not be involved in the new study but according to her, lack of sleep plays havoc on two hormones, the ghrelin, which is responsible for promoting hunger, and the peptin, the one that signals fullness.
These two hormones are the yin and yang of appetite regulation. Based on Cauter's experiments, sleep-deprived adults produced more ghrelin, which makes you hunger for more food, and less leptin, which keeps you from feeling full. It also explains why they are less likely to exercise and would prefer to sit on the couch and munch on cookies, especially when they get tired.
According to Dr. Stephen Sheldon, director of sleep medicine at Chicago's Children's Memorial Hospital, children's sleep may be disturbed by breathing problems, some due to being overweight which has been associated with cases of sleep apnea. Others do not get enough sleep due to enlarged tonsils and adenoids.
With the help of data from an existing federal study, the research team focused on 785 children who lived in 10 cities of the United States with complete information on sleep, height and weight in the third grade and sixth grade.
Averagely, the third-graders got about 9 hours sleep, but some slept as little as seven hours and others as much as 12 hours. About 12 percent of the children who slept 10 to 12 hours a day were obese by sixth grade. Moreover, about 22 percent were obese in sixth grade of those who slept less than nine hours a day.
In addition, other risk factors for obesity such as the children's body mass index in third grade were taken into account, and still found the connection between less sleep in third grade and obesity in sixth grade. Nevertheless, these findings should not give parents a false notion that getting more than enough sleep will keep their kids from getting overweight. Researchers acknowledged that some factors they did not account for such as genetics and other environmental factors.


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Obesity in dogs

Obesity In Dogs

Numerous studies have shown that more Americans are obese today than ever before and, interestingly, were not the only ones. Not only are Americans fatter than ever, so are their dogs; and the phenomenon can have serious ramifications for both groups. Obese dogs run a lot of the same risks that obese people do. When a dog is over weight it is at higher risk for heart disease, respiratory ailments, weak joints and other problems.



Numerous studies have shown that more Americans are obese today than ever before and, interestingly, were not the only ones. Not only are Americans fatter than ever, so are their dogs; and the phenomenon can have serious ramifications for both groups. Obese dogs run a lot of the same risks that obese people do. When a dog is over weight it is at higher risk for heart disease, respiratory ailments, weak joints and other problems. In short; it is every bit as dangerous for a dog to be carrying extra weight as it is for a person perhaps more so due to the shorter lifespan that dogs have. An overweight eight year old dog is akin to an overweight fifty-six year old man and subject to many of the same health risks.

Fortunately for us and our dogs; the equation is associative and works the same in the opposite direction. Just as a healthy diet and plenty of good cardiovascular exercise can trim down a chubby man; it can take the extra weight


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Obesity in children

Obesity In Children

Obesity is a condition that can shorten your life and can seriously affect you mentally and physically. It often has its roots in childhood. Obesity in children is growing at a frighteningly fast rate. There are more obese children now than ever before. Parents are letting their carelessness with their own diets spill over into their childrens lives.

Here are a few points to think about when trying to prevent obesity and health problems for your children.

Small childre...

obesity,lose weight,

Obesity is a condition that can shorten your life and can seriously affect you mentally and physically. It often has its roots in childhood. Obesity in children is growing at a frighteningly fast rate. There are more obese children now than ever before. Parents are letting their carelessness with their own diets spill over into their childrens lives.

Here are a few points to think about when trying to prevent obesity and health problems for your children.

Small children are normally energetic and often require snacks in-between meals. It is most important to choose healthy snacks for your children.

Alternative snacks can include:

Vegetable snacks like carrot sticks and celery boats are a good and fun alternative to chips and junk food snacks.

Fruit can be substituted for candies and sugar snacks.

Soda and sugar snacks like candy produce hyperactivity in many young children and will sow the seeds for problems later in life. It also leads to dental problems and the beginnings of obesity. It is good


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Obesity in america today

Obesity In America Today

The Americans tend to lead a fast-paced lifestyle so convenience foods and takeaways always seem like the best option. Its not. Obesity in America has risen more than anywhere else in the world but not only with adults, children are also suffering the same fate! If obesity is not tackled then all around the world will suffer, not just America.

Some people in America suffer obesity through medical problems which is not fault of their own and cannot be helped but others are ...



The Americans tend to lead a fast-paced lifestyle so convenience foods and takeaways always seem like the best option. Its not. Obesity in America has risen more than anywhere else in the world but not only with adults, children are also suffering the same fate! If obesity is not tackled then all around the world will suffer, not just America.

Some people in America suffer obesity through medical problems which is not fault of their own and cannot be helped but others are just far to lazy and eat far to much. Americans are taking the lead in obesity and no one seems to be doing anything about it except the medical research teams and endocrinologists who are trying to find ways to battle the bulge. With out the help of professionals it will be very hard for any obese person to loose weight, and they definitely need the support of their friends and family.

In 2004, the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ranked obesity as the number one health threat facing America and no one seems to be


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Obesity in adolescents

Obesity in Adolescents

Obesity and overweight are the second most major reasons of preventable deaths in America. Stagnant lifestyle and junk food is to be blamed for more than three hundred thousand deaths per annum. The sad thing is that this problem is on the rise. Obesity is a chronic disease which poses serious health risk to the health of an individual. Also, obesity is the easiest recognizable medical problem, but is very difficult to deal with.

People usually confuse obesity with overweight. Overweight is gaining of a few extra pounds. A person is considered obese when the total body weight is minimum ten percent more than the recommended weight for his/her body structure and height. According to an estimate every year hundred billion dollars are spent on the obesity problem. It is very important to treat the problem as early as possible. Obese children between the age of ten and thirteen have eighty percent chances of growing into obese adults, unless they change their ways and adopt a healthier lifestyle. The obesity problem starts from the age of five and continue till adolescence.

Obesity can be caused due to complex reasons including biological, genetic, cultural and behavioral factors. Usually a person gets obese when he/she consumes more calories than the body burns. Also there are fifty percent chances of becoming obese when both one of the parent is obese and when obesity has affected both the parents, the chances increases to eighty percent. One percent of obese people can have that fat because of health reasons, as obesity can be caused due to few medical disorders. The causes of obesity in adolescence are overeating, family history, bad eating habits, little or no exercise, medical illness, low self esteem, medications, depression, emotional problems, stressful life, and family problem.

Obesity can cause many major problems. Some of them are diabetes, sleeping disorders, high blood pressure, breathing problems, emotional problems and increase in heart disease risk. Teenagers are more prone to get emotional problems. Because of the weight, they develop low self esteem. They get into depression, obsessive compulsion disorder and anxiety.

Adolescents who want to tackle the obesity problem should approach a pediatrician who will thoroughly evaluate the cause. If no physical disorder is to be blamed, the weight is reduced by limiting the calorie intake and increasing physical activity. The doctor can advice a weight management program and change the eating habits of the teenager, slowly. The patient must avoid oily, fatty, fast and junk food. The potions must be reduced in order to decrease the calorie intake. If the adolescent has developed emotional problems because of obesity, an adolescent psychiatrist can collaborate with the pediatrician in order to make a comprehensive plan for treatment. The plan includes reasonable goals, behavior modification, family participation, and management of physical activity.

Self motivation is extremely necessary in loosing weight. Because obesity is more a family problem and not an individual problem, the whole family can switch to eating healthy food and exercising regularly. This can make the weight control program a success. Parents can play a major role by boosting the self esteem of their children by concentrating on their strengths and encouraging them, instead of targeting the weight problem. The whole family should eat meals together, instead of eating individually while watching a movie. This helps all the members to focus on the food and the quantity being eaten. If the teenager isnt getting support from his family members, he/she can join support groups which can help towards the goals.

After the adolescent has lost weight, it is very important that he/she maintains it. In majority of the cases, people shift back to their old eating habits after loosing weight. That is the reason why obesity is more of a lifetime issue. So the main aim of any weight loss program must be make the adolescent like healthy food. He/she must also be made to exercise regularly, irrespective of the weight.

Word Count 660


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Obesity enemy of the heart

Obesity: enemy of the heart

Obesity is a problem that has reached epidemic levels throughout the world and in particular, has experienced a rapid growth among children and adolescents.

weight loss, Obesity, diet, burn fat

According to the American Heart Association (PCA), one third of children and adolescents and 66 percent of the adult population is overweight or obese. If the trend continues, there will be a reduction in life expectancy of our children, making it the first generation to live less than their parents.

Obesity in simple form is an excess of body fat. The body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference measures are most commonly used. The BMI is the ratio of weight in kilograms to height in meters measure. The normal BMI is between 18 and 24.9 kg/m2. Overweight is any measure between 25-29.9 kg/m2, and obesity a BMI greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2. The waist circumference should be <40cm in men and <35cm in women. Obesity is associated with the development of hypertension, stroke, blockage of the coronary arteries, diabetes, failure and heart rhythm disturbances. In young people, obesity is associated with the development of adult conditions such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes and cholesterol.

It is difficult to associate obesity a factor, as it develops a complex relationship that involves lifestyle, the environment and genetics. However, there is a causal relationship between poor nutrition and unhealthy lifestyles. The sedentary lifestyle, produced by busy lifestyles, overexposure to television, computers and video games, along with the excessive consumption of calories, breaks the balance needed to maintain a healthy weight.

Education is extremely important, particularly since early age, to establish good eating habits and healthy lifestyles.

To bring the message and awareness generation of young people about the importance of prevention, the American Heart Association created the Alliance for a Healthier Generation in conjunction with the foundation of former President William Bill Clinton.

On the Island, the association established partnership with the Government of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Form.This government initiative and whose guidelines are based on those of the Heart Association, offers a real alternative for the prevention of obesity through education and offering physical activity programs, among other things.

Obesity, together with other factors such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipedemias and smoking is a risk factor crucial to the development of cardiovascular diseases. However, contrary to other factors, obesity (next to smoking), is the most changeable of all.

By developing or modifying good nutritional habits and increasing physical activity can have a healthier life


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Obesity determining the cause and developing the remedy

Obesity: Determining The Cause And Developing The Remedy

The article talks about the problem of obesity and weight gain. It states that because of the problem regarding weight, many individuals are trying to determine the right body fat for their age, weight, height, etc. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a method that is used by many too determine one's body fat. However, there are many methods that are more accurate in determining body fat than BMI.


The number of people gaining unwanted and enormous weight around the world has become a cause of alarm for health experts around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has put the worldwide total obese people at more than 1 billion. This number is expected to rise to about 1.5 billion in less than 10 years. Obesity is one of the reasons why a lot of people suffer from many health ailments. Being obese or having too much fat than what the human body needs, can lead to many health conditions like type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, high blood pressure, arthritis, sleep apnea, and stroke.

     Because of these dangers, it is important to determine the right body fat. Many health professionals use the body mass index (BMI) to determine if individuals are carrying too much fat. It is based on one's height and waist, and estimates whether one's weight is healthy or not and if one is overweight and obese. These health experts say that a healthy BMI for individuals is between 19 and 26. A BMI of 27 to 30 is regarded as overweight, while 30 above is classified as obese. If one's BMI is below 19, it may lead to health problems like osteoporosis, malnutrition, liver disease, and inadequate absorption of nutrients from the intestines. BMI applies to individuals, regardless of their sex, age, frame size or muscle mass.

     Many health studies show that one's BMI may not be an accurate indication of one's fat composition. There are some exceptions that may be applied in determining one's BMI. Because muscle weighs more than fat, the BMI overestimates the body fat in many individuals with low body fat and a lot of muscle. In addition, BMI underestimates the body fat in elderly people.
     Body fat can be determined by underwater weighing, by the use calipers and other special equipment that can used to calculate how much body fat a person possess. When special apparatus and equipments are not available many health experts believe that measuring one's waist can an easy way of determining one's health. For men, a waist measurement of 40 indicates a high risk for health ailments. For women, a considerable figure is 35 inches or more.

     Rather than searching for a cure for obesity or a way to figure out one's body content, the cause of obesity should be given priority. When more calories are taken than burned off, weight gain may occur. Eating too much calories than what the human body needs is one of the main cause of the rise of obesity in many societies. In addition, the busy lives of people in the 21st century made it harder for individuals to cook and prepare healthy meals. Nowadays, prepared foods and fast food deliveries have become the first option when it comes to food choices. These foods are high in fat and calories. Work schedules, long commutes, and work commitments have taken the time for physical activities. These factors have contributed to the rising number of individuals who are overweight and obese.

     People should remember that there are no shortcuts to good health. People who are overweight or obese should consider in a change in lifestyles and food regimen. Doctors and other health professionals should be consulted to develop a plan that might work for certain individuals. For sure, these health experts will advise a nutritious diet and plenty of physical activities to be involved in one's diet. Improvements in these areas may lead to improved overall health and enhanced well-being.


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Obesity and pre

Obesity and Pre-Diabetes

You can be diagnosed with pre-diabetes before you actually get diabetes. In pre-diabetes
you have higher than normal blood sugars but they are not at the level that they would
need to be in order to be considered diabetic. If you are obese or severely overweight and
pre-diabetic there are steps you can take to put off the actual diagnosis of diabetes or
prevent it.

The same test is used for pre-diabetes as it is for diabetes. Once you find out that you
have pre-diabetes you can make a plan with your doctor to prevent the onset of the
disease. By losing weight and either adding or increasing your level of physical activity
you can delay diabetes for quite sometime. There have been people who have gone on to
maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise and have remained in the pre-
diabetic phase for their lives.

If you are not able to get down to your goal weight, just losing a small amount can be
beneficial. It takes an additional strain off of your body by lessening the need of the
amount of insulin that is produced. There are many other benefits that you will also get
by reducing your body weight including increased energy and cardiovascular health.

Most times, doctors do not test for diabetes unless there are risk factors present including
age (over 45 years old). But if you are considered obese, your doctor will probably order
the appropriate glucose test each year at your physical examination to check for pre-
diabetes and diabetes.

There are not always symptoms present when you have pre diabetes. But if you are
experiencing any of the signs that could signal the full disease such as an increased thirst
and need to urinate, make an appointment with your doctor for a check-up.


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Obesity and male infertility two modern societies problems

Obesity And Male Infertility, Two Modern Societies Problems

It is well known that obesity is a widespread problem in advanced and modern societies. Another growing problem associated to obesity and threatening our societies is male infertility. This article will try to describe how this link can be established.

health, penis enlargement, more sperm, fertility, infertility, sperm, sperm quality, obesity, increase sperm, diet program, weight loss product

While millions of people are slowly dying of hunger, modern societies have to face new challenges directly linked to our way of life. Bad nutritional habits, stress, junk food and other factors contribute day after day to a dramatic explosion of obesity. But how can the obesity of today, combined with an aging population have a direct impact on the next children generation? Although no real study has ever been performed on this subject, science already proved us that obesity can have negative impacts on the sexual life and on the sperm quality.

Firstly, we should remember how body does secrete the testosterone. Testosterone is secreted in the testes, in the Leydig cells. This secretion only happens with the stimulation of the LH hormone LH hormone being secreted by the pituitary gland. Testosterone is necessary to the fabrication of spermatozoids, the development of the male sexual organs and male sexual secondary characteristics. This hormonal process can only happen to active people, doing regular ph


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Obesity and health insurance

Obesity and Health Insurance

When it comes to health insurance, we all seem to be paying high premiums. The cost of healthcare has risen and it is reflected in the quotes we receive. However, if you are considered obese, your health insurance premiums may be significantly higher or some health insurance companies may simply deny you coverage. If you were to lose weight, however, you could find a health care insurance much cheaper and have more options.

insurance, inurance quotes, health insurance, health insurance quote, health insurance quotes

Copyright 2006 Stacey Zimmerman

When it comes to health insurance, we all seem to be paying high premiums. The cost of healthcare has risen and it is reflected in the quotes we receive. However, if you are considered obese, your health insurance premiums may be significantly higher or some health insurance companies may simply deny you coverage. If you were to lose weight, however, you could find a health care insurance much cheaper and have more options.

The fact is health insurance companies have different policies regarding obesity. When an applicant for health insurance falls out of the normal weight standards, they may be either denied health insurance coverage or their premiums will be raised. Many insurance companies may even require an applicant to get a pre-approval physical before they accept the applicant for coverage. The fact is obesity is costly to the insurance companies and they apply very strict standards for their coverage in relation to the weight of the applicants.

Due to the f


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Obesity and binge eating

Obesity and Binge Eating

The article talks about the ill-effects of being obesity, a major health concern that affects many individuals in the United States and many parts of the world. One of the probable cause of obesity is an eating disorder called binge eating disorder.

Obesity and Binge Eating

Obesity is a condition that has become a major health concern affecting many individuals in the United States. This condition refers to the build-up of excess body fat that may impair health conditions. Obese individuals are prone to health risks like cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, sleep apnea, and many more. These health hazards have prompted many people to include a weight-loss program in their lifestyles. However many health experts advice individuals to understand the cause weight-gain is essential in preventing the additional cases of obesity.

Understanding the cause of obesity might enable overweight individuals to treat their health problems. According to clinical studies, one probable cause of obesity among Americans is an eating disorder called binge eating. It is an eating disorder whereby individuals have a strong addiction for food. The cause of this condition is still unclear but experts suggest stress, anxiety, and depression can trigger compulsive eating disorder. Individuals with this condition crave for food even though they do not need to eat that much. They end up eating too much and not realizing that they should not once they are fool. Individuals with binge eating disorder may gain weight overtime and have obesity problems. However, there are some individuals who have this condition and have normal weight.

Eating too much is one of the symptoms of binge eating disorder. Eating when not hungry or eating while being sad, angry, lonely, or bored can also be a symptom of this condition. After binging, one might feel upset, guilty, or depressed. These individuals may also feel alone because they are embarrassed of about how much they eat. Eating in secret is also a symptom of binge eating disorder.

The common treatment for binge eating disorder may include the use of medication like antidepressant pill or counseling or a combination of the two. Recent treatment for this condition includes cognitive-behavioral therapy which teaches patients to monitor their eating habits and respond properly to difficult situations. Treatment for this condition may last for extended period to fully recover. Individuals with this condition which includes depression, obesity, and other conditions that may be associated with being overweight.

Health experts advise individuals to include exercise and nutritious diet in their lifestyle to eliminate depression and anxiety. Physical activities promotes the release of endorphins. Endorphins are substances that is released by the brain and is the body's natural pain-reliever. These substance may elevate the mood and promote a state of bliss. Many health specialists refer to this phenomenon as the runner's high. When this state well-being is accomplished the use for antidepressant pill may not be necessary. For overweight or obese individuals, it is never too late to engage in regular exercise and healthy diets. Exercise is good for different people of all ages, sex, and weight. It is necessary to maintain improved overall health and enhanced well-being. Individuals who decide to include a regular program of physical activity should consult doctors and other health professionals for advice. This is important because a lot of individuals tend to workout too much or workout improperly, which may do more


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Obesity an american epidemic a worldwide concern

Obesity, an American Epidemic, a Worldwide Concern

Obesity is beginning to spread more and more to countries that have always had a relatively low rate of obesity, like China and Japan. This is one case where being in the majority is not considered a good thing.

overweight, obesity

If you are considered overweight, whether you know it or not, you are in the majority. In America, it has been recently estimated that 65% of the population is overweight with 30% being at least clinically obese. To add to this alarming statistic is the estimate that 15-20% of the nations children are overweight. Now, obesity is beginning to spread more and more to countries that have always had a relatively low rate of obesity, like China and Japan. This is one case where being in the majority is not considered a good thing. What really matters is, how being overweight or obese affects your overall health.

According to the body mass index, you are considered overweight if your index is between 25 and 29. If your index is over 30, you are considered obese. The American collage of sports medicine defines obesity as an amount of body fat that increases the risk of disease. As a general rule, more than 25% body fat for men and more than 32% body fat for women is considered obesity.

Lets look at some of t


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Obesity an ameican epidemic a worldwide concern

Obesity; An Ameican Epidemic, A Worldwide Concern

If you are considered overweight, whether you know it or not, you are in the majority. In America, it has been recently estimated that 65% of the population is overweight with 30% being at least clinically obese. To add to this alarming statistic is the estimate that 15-20% of the nation's children are overweight. Now, obesity is beginning to spread more and more to countries that have always had a relatively low rate of obesity, like China and Japan. This is one case where b...

weight loss, losing weight

If you are considered overweight, whether you know it or not, you are in the majority. In America, it has been recently estimated that 65% of the population is overweight with 30% being at least clinically obese. To add to this alarming statistic is the estimate that 15-20% of the nation's children are overweight. Now, obesity is beginning to spread more and more to countries that have always had a relatively low rate of obesity, like China and Japan. This is one case where being in the majority is not considered a good thing. What really matters is, how being overweight or obese affects your overall health.

According to the body mass index, you are considered overweight if your index is between 25 and 29. If your index is over 30, you are considered obese. The American collage of sports medicine defines obesity as an amount of body fat that increases the risk of disease. As a general rule, more than 25% body fat for men and more than 32% body fat for women is considered obesity.

Let's look at some of th


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Obesity .not a big deal now

Obesity.Not a Big Deal Now!

Obesity is due to accumulation of excess fat in your body. It can lead to various problems and slow your life in a very drastic manner. But the result of using Phentermine proved to be very positive. It stimulates your nervous system suppressing your appetite and burns your calories significantly. If taken with a proper diet you can really get a new slim body.

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Obesity is a common problem nowadays to the world. It not only restricted to some common countries like US or UK but it is a problem gripping the whole world and in a very dramatic manner. Obesity is a curse in this new generation. People try to escape from it, but ultimately someway or the other they cant stop themselves from confronting obesity. Physical inactivity along with improper food habit is the main cause of obesity. Well, genetic factors also come into consideration sometimes.

But what is commonly found that when people find out that obesity is embarrassing their life, they begin to torture themselves by doing various experiments like staying hungry, living only on juices or go to a gym. This kind of sudden change in ones life leads to the worst rather than doing any benefits.

For along time from now, research was going on obesity. Though it was found that obesity cannot be cured completely, but oflate a drug named Phentermine is found to be very productive. FDA has found it to be the most


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Obedience training for your dog

Obedience Training For Your Dog

There are dogs that do not have bad behaviors, and even if their owners are trying hard to tech them to obey some simple commands, these dogs are hardheaded. Chances are, many owners would just dump them to dog pounds because they are already fed up, and could no longer understand the behavior anymore.

These things should have been avoided if obedience training was used and implemented. Mostly obedience training in dogs is used to create a groundwork from which the dog an...

pets, dogs, cats

There are dogs that do not have bad behaviors, and even if their owners are trying hard to tech them to obey some simple commands, these dogs are hardheaded. Chances are, many owners would just dump them to dog pounds because they are already fed up, and could no longer understand the behavior anymore.

These things should have been avoided if obedience training was used and implemented. Mostly obedience training in dogs is used to create a groundwork from which the dog and his master will learn how to effectively correspond to each other.

Moreover, obedience training is also employed by dog owners whose dogs are behaving badly. It is one way of incorporating discipline in the dogs behavior. This kind of training makes him realize that certain behaviors are not allowed and that he should not act that way.


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Obedience training for dogs and puppies

obedience training for dogs and puppies

Obedience training is one of the best things you can do for your dog and yourself. In fact, a well trained dog is by far a happier dog! Why? Because a trained dog requires much fewer restrictions, so the more reliable the dog, the more freedom he/she is given.

dogs, puppies, training, obedience, behavior

Obedience training is one of the best things you can do for your dog and yourself. In fact, a well trained dog is by far a happier dog! Why? Because a trained dog requires much fewer restrictions, so the more reliable the dog, the more freedom he/she is given.

Dogs are social animals and without proper training, they will behave just like animals.(A dog is a pack animal. It prefers to be with companions) They can soil your house, chew your belongings, bark at everything that moves, dig up your back garden, attack other dogs and even attack you or your children! Training serves to strengthen the bond between a dog and his owner. It builds communication and mutual respect, and effectively demonstrates to your dog that you're the leader of the pack without resorting to smacking or hitting. Dogs have their own personalities and mindset. They can be stubborn, dominant, submissive, or fearful, characteristics that can make them difficult to own and train.

Obedience training is also an easy way to establish the


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Obama and rev. wright a bi racial issue

Obama and Rev. Wright a Bi-Racial Issue


The question, why Presidential Candidate Barrack Obama never left the church after Rev. Wrights statements, is not a black issue, but a bi-racial identity issue

Mixed Race Bi-Racial

The question, why Presidential Candidate Barrack Obama never left the church after Rev. Wrights statements, is not a black issue, but a bi-racial identity issue.

Growing up bi-racial has its own unique issues that are usually never discussed. Bi-racial individuals have a problem identifying "normally" with either race. We are caught in the middle and find ourselves struggling with who we are and with what race offers us acceptance.

My background is very similar to that of Barrack Obama. My love for a man that gave me clarity and hope is very similar to the love that Senator Obama has towards Rev. Wright. After discovering that we are black, and that acceptance by white people because our mothers are white is dispelled, we then had to learn how to be black. After years of searching for my place, I met a man who inspired me and taught me how to be a black man. In addition to teaching me how to be a black man, he also taught me how to be a caring and loving human being. He stressed the fact that I must be aware of how people view me and treat me, but how I view and treat them does not require that I take race into consideration. The absence of a male black figure in Senator Obamas childhood was filled by Reverend Wright in the same way that the gentleman who entered my life filled a void for me. I only knew what I would see on the streets and on television about bei

My mentor taught me that I would be viewed and treated as a black man, irrespective of how I viewed myself. However, the defining of who I am as a person can only be done by me. He taught me not only how to be a proud black man, but also how to be a compassionate and understanding human. There were views that he had on issues with which I did not agree in the least bit. It did not in any way change how I viewed this man. I loved this man for giving me the keystone in which I was building my arch in life. This man took on the role of my father. The things that my father could not teach me were supplied to me through this man that I know, love and adore. He answered a question that I had been in search of all my life. The question that had kept me from being whole my entire life was now filled by this man. The hole I tried filling with money, sex, drugs and alcohol was now filled by this gentleman. Neither my mentor nor Rev. Wright (nor any of us, for that matter) is perfect.

Rev. Wright answered some of these same questions for Sen. Obama. When reading his book, Dreams from my Father, it was apparent that Senator Obama struggled with his identity. Sen. Obama acknowledges that he drank at an early age and experimented with drugs. He made a good decision not to continue this destructive behavior and turned his attention towards his education. Yet, still, he lacked a black male in his life to teach him how to be a black man in America and also a loving caring person at the same time. While Rev. Wrights remarks were not wholly accepted and endorsed by Senator Obama, this difference in perspectives in no way changed Senator Obama's views about and loyalty to the man that filled an abyss in the senator's quest to be the best human he can be. There is no college or accomplishments that could have filled that hole. There is no amount of money or intellect that he may have possessed that would accomplish what only another human could. The idea that he could divorce himself and de

Rev. Wright has a place of father, mentor , teacher in the senator's heart and soul. To have disavowed Rev. Wright would have been an abomination. I could never leave or separate from the man that gave me and my life meaning and hope. The idea of hope and love is the most attractive attribute of Senator Obama. America is in a state of hopelessness. People have stopped dreaming of better days. This lack of "Hope and Dreams" of a better tomorrow is what has transcended ethnicity, age, and socio-economic status in attracting the masses to the philosophies of Senator Obama. That which attracts so many of us to Senator Obama is due in no small part due to the role Rev. Wright has played in the senator's life. The idea of looking for good in people and understanding is a lost art.

My mentor told me that once I realized that it was not for me to be understood, but for me to be understanding, I would then be on my way to being a loving human being. I believe Senator Obama understands through this journey of self-identification that he is not only a Black man, but more importantly a caring and compassionate human being who wants to make a change in peoples lives.

Once we all truly understand the importance of Rev Wright to Senator Obamas development as a whole person, we then can understand and appreciate the ability of a human to respectfully disagree with another's views, while compassionately appreciating the goodness of others. I think someone once referred to this phenomenon as tolerance. Hmmm. What a wonderful feeling it is to know that tolerance and empathy are more than the stuff of which lofty goals and sound bites are made. They are laudible and deeply held virtues of the man I hope to soon call Mr. President.

*The author, Eugene E. Brooks, is completing his book, Behind the Cover, which addresses the issues related to being bi-racial in America. The book chronicles the author's battles with addiction that lead him from being homeless to graduating from law school nearly thirteen years ago. See for more details regarding his book. Mr. Brooks can be reached for comments at .


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Obagi toner a refreshing blend of natural ingredients

Obagi Toner- A Refreshing Blend Of Natural Ingredients

Obagi Toner is Step two in the Obagi Nu Derm system, it prepares your skin for the application of Obagi Clear.

Obagi Toner

Obagi Toner is a refreshing blend of natural ingredients which hydrates and tones your skin while restoring a normal pH balance. The Obagi Toner is a wonderful toner that does not dry out your skin excessively, like other popular toners. Instead of drying out your skin Obagi Toner restores the natural pH balance of your skin.

Under the guidance of your Doctor or skin care professional, the Obagi system of products helps to correct acne, blemishes, surface discoloration, melasma, sun damage and stimulates cell renewal to bring back the glow of healthier, younger looking skin. With the Obagi toner and the Obagi line of products, your skin will be smoother, naturally moist, clearer, firmer, more resilient, and simply more beautiful.

Most toners today are pH balancing and represent a new direction in the skin care industry, however some toners dry the skin excessively and this is not a good thing, especially if your skin condition is already prone to be dry. Directions for use, you should clean your skin with Obagi Cleanser or a gentle cleanser, then apply Obagi toner onto your face and neck with a cotton ball. DO NOT rinse off.

Ingredients include: witch hazel distillate, potassium alum, purified water, aloe barbadensis gel, sodium PCA panthenol, calendula officinalis extract, saponis, fragrance, DMDM hydantion, polysorbate 80, allantoin, sage extract, FD& C blue #1

Obagi Toner is Step two in the Obagi Nu Derm system, it prepares your skin for the application of Obagi Clear. Obagi products promote skin restoration at the cellular level, unlike other skin care products that only treat the problems on the surface. It is advisable for you to consult your Doctor or skin care professional before using any type of skin care treatments.

You can easily find and purchase Obagi toner and other great products from the Obagi line, at the many online Beauty stores and skin-care outlets available on the web. Individual Obagi Products can be purchased but the Obagi line of products are most effective when they are used together as a complete skin care treatment.


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Oats and celiac disease

Oats and Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a condition brought about by the accumulation of gluten. Gluten is protein preset in bread, pasta, cookies, crust and other food that is made out of wheat, barley or rye. Oats also contain the protein gluten. There are many controversies surrounding oats and celiac disease.

A person with celiac disease experiences vitamin deficiencies with the brain, nervous system, bones, liver and other vital organs and other illnesses. What happens is that the person with celiac disease who eats foods with the protein gluten experiences an immune reaction in the small intestine. This may lead to small intestine damage and malabsoption of certain vitamins and nutrients from the food. There is no cure for celiac disease but people inflicted with this manage their disease by removing gluten from their diet.

It is believed that celiac disease is a relatively rare disorder, it is now through to affect about one


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Oatmeal the most powerful breakfast for weight loss

Oatmeal - The Most Powerful Breakfast for Weight Loss

Did you know that simply eating breakfast raises your metabolism by 10 percent? Oatmeal is one of the most powerful breakfast foods of them all. If you are looking to get your body in great shape, you should incorporate this as a staple food in your diet....

oatmeal weight loss, oatmeal diet, benefits of oatmeal

Did you know that simply eating breakfast raises your metabolism by 10 percent? Oatmeal is one of the most powerful breakfast foods of them all. If you are looking to get your body in great shape, you should incorporate this as a staple food in your diet.

Oatmeal is the perfect meal to start your day because it boosts your energy and has plenty of fiber to keep you full and satisfied. Oatmeal breaks down slowly in the stomach, giving you long-lasting energy. It is also full of water-soluble fibers, which play a crucial role in making you feel full over a longer period of time. Studies have also shown that oatmeal reduces cholesterol, maintains blood sugar levels and fights against heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, and obesity.

If you want to add some powerful antioxidants to your oatmeal, simply throw on some blueberries and raspberries. These delicious fruits are packed with antioxidants that fight against heart disease, cancer, and a multitude of other ailments. Blueberries have also been proven t


Get The Best Diet Program For Lose Weight.

Recommended For You

Oatmeal diet

The Oatmeal Diet

To balance your diet naturally while losing weight you need fiber in your diet. Fiber helps with the digestive process and at the same time help draw nutrients needed by your body from the food consumed. The best example of a plant with both insoluble and soluble fiber is oats; these fibers are necessary for your diet. Oatmeal diet is the best program if you want to lose weight plus staying healthy at the same time.

The soluble fiber acts by reducing low-density lipoproteins concentration, this compound is known to build up inside the arteries and eventually result in blockage or a clot. Lowering of low-density lipoprotein will result in increasing of the concentration of high-density lipoprotein. This cholesterol is necessary for removal of artery blockage from the heart. The insoluble fiber helps with constipation; oatmeal helps soften your stool as it has nutrients like cellulose and lignin. Oatmeal provides you with the necessary minerals, antioxidants and vitamins for your body to function perfectly. Oatmeal is a great source of iron, protein and complex carbohydrates.

The Oatmeal diet-plan is a mono-food based diet which excludes the use of other foods for up to 30 days. Oatmeal is nutritious and reduces your appetite thus acting as a good carbohydrates source. So for the weight loss to be maintained for a long time it is crucial for you to be keen on your lifestyle and other parts of your nutrition.

The Oatmeal Diet basics
If you follow this 30-day diet plan strictly by consuming three oat meals plus a low-fat snack, you could loose up to 5lb per week

Sample oatmeal diet plan
Here is an oatmeal diet plan you should follow,

* An apple
* A tablespoon of raisins
* A half a cup of skim milk
* A half a cup of oatmeal

The Morning snack includes a half a cup of blueberries, bananas, apples, strawberries, seedless graes and oranges.

* A half a cup of low fat yoghurt
* A half a cup of oatmeal
* Baked green-beans

The afternoon snack includes a half a cup of raw fresh vegetables like slices of green peppers, celery sticks, and carrot sticks. Keep way from melons and high-starchy food like potatoes.

* A half a cup of oatmeal
* Large green-salads
* 4oz of grilled chicken-breast

For the first seven days you should consume oatmeal only, a half a cup of oatmeal daily at the initial stage plus you should keep away from processed oatmeal and instant oatmeal and oatmeal snacks. If you have to drink milk with your oatmeal, just take half a cup of skim or fat free milk and nothing more. Make sure that your calories intake is between 900-1,200 calories.

The 30-day oatmeal diet should contain three meals daily plus a half a cup of cooked-oatmeal. After the seven days you can eat instant oatmeal, but ensure that the sugar and fat content of the meal is below 300 calories. After the seven days your calories intake should have raised up to between 1,000-1,300 calories.

If possible start your day with exercise and last for up to 30 minutes daily at least three times a week. While on this diet, you should keep away form salt, oil, sugar, vegetables like grapes, bananas and potatoes, high-glycemic fruits and make sure you drink up to two liters of water daily for those 30 days.

After the 30 days, you will start weaning yourself slowly using a low-fat diet as implemented by oatmeal and one oatmeal serving and one oatmeal snack instead of the other. After weaning yourself and returning to normal eating it is recommended that you eat turkey, fish, chicken breast, club soda, lettuce, carrots, apples, berries and skim milk.


* Oatmeal contains high concentrations of soluble fiber, this helps reduce your appetite while you are on the diet by bringing the fullness feeling after each meal.
* As a cholesterol lowering solution, oatmeal has demonstrated to lower the concentration of bad cholesterol while not affecting the good cholesterol. This has helps reduce chances of suffering from stroke.
* The low-glycemic carbohydrates present in oatmeal help by promoting the stable blood-sugar levels.
* Oatmeal contains lignans, this is a phytonutrient responsible for improvement of your hearts health.
* Oats are not expensive.


* The drastic change of normal eating pattern during the first week of the diet is not easy for many individuals to adjust.
* The lack of a variety of food to choose from as a replacement limits you from getting the adequate nutrition.
* The calories consumption while on the diet is below the recommended level for a healthy and safe weight losing process.


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Oasis hong kong airlines triumphs at 2007 world low cost airline awards

Oasis Hong Kong Airlines Triumphs at 2007 World Low Cost Airline Awards

Oasis Hong Kong Airlines was awarded "Best New Service" and "Best Business Class Carrier" at the 2007 World Low Cost Airline Awards, held in London on 18th September.

The airline, which started its service in October 2006 fought off tough competition from FlyZoom, MAXjet and Silverjet to take the coveted Best Business Class Carrier Award. It was also awarded Best New Service over Nok Air, Click Air, Go India, Sama Airlines, Silverjet and Fly Zoom.

Oasis Hong Kong has operated a daily service from London Gatwick to Hong Kong since October 2006 and added a new route from Hong Kong to Vancouver in June this year. Its pioneering business model combines low fares with a full service offer - hot meals and seat back entertainment are included in the ticket price.

The businessOasis offer allows business and premium leisure travelers to enjoy the benefits of a business service to Hong Kong for just ฃ470 + tax one way. The ticket price includes a dedicated businessOasis check-in area, two gourmet meals with the choice of an Asian or Western menu, 28 video audio channels, a personal seat-back TV and electronic reclining sleeper seats with a 60" seat pitch which is comparable to other airlines.

Steve Miller, CEO says: "We are extremely proud to be recognized for our achievements within our first 11 months of operation. The Best Business Class Carrier award is a great accolade as it shows businessOasis rivals the offer of specialist business class carriers. Over 153,000 passengers on 574 flights have now experienced our low fare, full service offer and we plan to continue exceeding expectations by providing the best service both on the ground and in the air."

The World Low Cost Airline Awards are judged by a panel of senior aviation, media and marketing experts: John Hanlon, Secretary General, European Low Fare Airline Association; John Strickland, CEO, JLS Consulting; Jay Sorensen, CEO, IdeaWorks; Ian Harbinson, Editor, Low Cost Airline Business; Peter Harbison, Executive Director, Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation.

Oasis Hong Kong Airlines is pioneering a fresh approach to provide passengers the best choice in low fare, long distance travel. The airline is committed to making long haul flights accessible to more people.



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Oakley sunglasses the brand identity

Oakley Sunglasses The Brand Identity

Sunglasses are now a must-have commodity for all age groups of people starting from tiny tots and exuberant youth to responsible middle-aged adults and retiring old citizens. Thanks to the phenomenon of global warming and some other climatic changes, the world is becoming hotter and hotter day by day.

oakley sunglasses

Sunglasses are now a must-have commodity for all age groups of people starting from tiny tots and exuberant youth to responsible middle-aged adults and retiring old citizens. Thanks to the phenomenon of global warming and some other climatic changes, the world is becoming hotter and hotter day by day. As a result, harmful sun rays and other chemical substances in the atmosphere have an adverse impact on your eyes. To deal with this crisis, Oakley sunglasses offer some innovative and breakthrough products that have taken the fashion world by storm.

The uniqueness of Oakleys lies in their suitability and adaptability to various extreme conditions like extremely cold climate of high altitudes, sultry conditions of deserts and dusty metropolitan roads. Oakley sunglasses are created with outdoor environmental factors in mind: high levels of light and probability of impact. When engaging in Skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking and hiking, Oakley sun glasses meet the mandatory demands in eyewear such as shock resistance, anti-scratch, anti-fog, polarized lenses and flexibility in the frames.

For minimum glare Oakleys sunglasses can not be beat. You choose your lens color that will ultimately improve depth perceptions and clarity in the outdoors. Its products lead the industry standards in creating optical protection wear for world-class athletes. That same optimum expectation is produced for the rest of us who are active in the great outdoors. Celebrities from around the world, especially film personalities from Hollywood have been strong advocates of Oakleys.

Gaining an access to these elite products has been made possible by the leading online shopping site, Demon-clothing.com. It offers range of Oakley glasses at comparatively cheap prices. Oakleys have the reputation of selling costly glasses. So customers will be amazed to come across such resonable prices for these exclusive brands. In addition to Oakley sunglasses, you can avail so many other designer garments like t-shirts, jeans, jackets etc. So immerse yourself in the shopping spree at Demon-clothing.com.


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Oakley sunglasses perfectly made for your eyes

Oakley Sunglasses Perfectly Made for Your Eyes

Everybody wants to be fashionable thanks to fast changing lifestyles. People want to dress up with trendy designer clothing and accessories that provide them eye-catching look and feel. After all, everybody seeks to be the center of attraction. The designer sunglasses have their own history. A gorgeous face always draws attention and an equally beautiful sunglass on the face enhances your personality. The use of sunglasses is more prominent in todays scenario. With the increasing harmful effect

oakley sunglasses

Everybody wants to be fashionable thanks to fast changing lifestyles. People want to dress up with trendy designer clothing and accessories that provide them eye-catching look and feel. After all, everybody seeks to be the center of attraction. The designer sunglasses have their own history. A gorgeous face always draws attention and an equally beautiful sunglass on the face enhances your personality. The use of sunglasses is more prominent in todays scenario. With the increasing harmful effects of Ultra Violet rays on your eyes, it has become mandatory to wear a sunglass when you venture outside.

All these above factors contribute greatly to the emerging business of sunglasses. Markets are simply flooded with varieties of sun spectacles to tap this growing segment of customers. Sunglasses are sold for each and every age groups and come in array of colors, shape and design. No matter whether you are a male or female, a business professional or sportsperson, an enthusiastic youth or a rest-seeking elder, you will find an excuse to sport a sunglass.

Among these sea of sunglasses, <a href=>
Oakley sunglasses</a> have a class of their own. They have a long history. What was started in 1975 has now become a fashion statement. Oakleys have found their way into popular Hollywood movies. Many celebrities including film stars and sportspersons are their regular customers. So a question arises why Oakleys sunglasses are different from others.

These sunglasses have Plutonite and Iridium lens coatings, the do-it-yourself custom-made glasses and the mind-boggling Thump MP3 sunglasses. This lense material can filter out 100% of all UVA, UVB and UVC. The Oakley Plutonite lens also blocks 100% of all harmful blue light up to 400 nanometers. They are also designed to absorb all major impacts from both high speed and high mass objects. Water protection is another notable benefit. The special coating of Oakleys stops moisture and grease sticking to the lense. So they are ideal for sports activities.

But Oakley sunglasses are very costly and out of reach for common people. But that problem is also gone with demon-clothing.com which offers designer Oakleys at surprisingly cheap prices. You can enjoy huge discounts provided by it. Apart from Oakley sunglasses, the portal is full of other beautiful branded garments and accessories to immerse you in a shopping spree. So purchase your fashionable sunglasses from demon-clothing.com.


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Oakley sunglasses for enhancing personality

Oakley Sunglasses for Enhancing Personality

Eyes are the most beautiful organ of a human body. There is a saying eyes speak the mind. But recently, your valuable eyes are being constantly exposed to harmful sun rays, thanks to global warming. Eyes also bear the brunt of increasing pollution level in the atmosphere.

oakley sunglasses

Eyes are the most beautiful organ of a human body. There is a saying eyes speak the mind. But recently, your valuable eyes are being constantly exposed to harmful sun rays, thanks to global warming. Eyes also bear the brunt of increasing pollution level in the atmosphere. All you need is a protective gear for your eyes and there is no better option than to have Oakley Sunglasses with you. In addition to protecting your eyes, they are also a style quotient. You might have seen host of sportspersons sporting exclusive brands of Oakleys. Many film personalities from Hollywood are also their strong endorsers. So what is the specialty of these sunglasses? Read to find out.

Oakley has put a lot of research and technology into the making of these sunglasses. The customers can take pride in possessing such high quality glasses with them. Naturally, they are a bit costly. But there is nothing to be surprised with the kinds of features Oakleys offer. They have Hydrophobic lens coating that keeps water, skin oil and dusts away. The High Definition Optics makes a clear vision possible from all angles and at the same time, stands guard sun, wind and severe side impact. Certain Oakley sunglasses are specially manufactured to absorb the abuse of athletics. The ingredient like Iridium makes your vision possible even under scorching sun. Oakleys also prevent all types of Ultra Violet rays like UVA, UVB and UVC from reaching your eyes through Plutonite lens coating.

The purchase of this elite brand of sunglasses can be done through a leading online garment shop, namely demon-clothing.com. The website also deals in world renowned brands of designer T-shirts, jeans, jackets and of course, sunglasses. Even though the accessories are the best in vogue right now, they are offered at the cheapest prices. You will never face an out of stock problem as every product is always in stock and ready to be sent at your address. So place your order now for designer Oakley sunglasses at demon-clothing.com.


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Oakland california real estate

Oakland California Real Estate

Oakland, California, is located in Alameda County, and is 10 miles E of San Francisco, California. Oakland has a population of 399,484. It is in the San Francisco Bay Area region, and enjoys close proximity to San Francisco. The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge links the two cities together.

Finance, refinance, mortgage, home loan, credit, real estate, broker, banker, lender, borrowing, money, rates, closing costs, home purchase

Oakland, California, is located in Alameda County, and is 10 miles E of San Francisco, California. Oakland has a population of 399,484. It is in the San Francisco Bay Area region, and enjoys close proximity to San Francisco. The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge links the two cities together.

Concentrated efforts have been made in the preservation of precious Victorian homes. The beautiful results can be seen in downtown Oaklands Preservation Park, as well as throughout the city and in the picturesque Oakland Hills.

The citys homes follow different architectural styles, but two are dominantthe Victorian, and the Craftsman. See fine examples of both in Rockridge,a pedestrian friendly Oakland neighborhood well-served by public transportation. A BART commuter train station is here, flanked by a European-style public market, ethnic restaurants, and boutiques. Another neighborhood is Elmwoodto the Northand borders the University of California. Homes in both neighborhoods are in high demand.

Oakland pro


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Oahu vacation ideas

Oahu Vacation Ideas

The island of Oahu in Hawaii is both beautiful and
diverse. A majority of people are drawn here to
the excitement of Waikiki Beach with its colorful
clubs and taste filled restaurants.

The island activities around Oahu range from
surfing lessons and canoeing to swimming with the
dolphins and scuba diving. No matter what you or
your family like to do on vacation, you can find
something for everyone on Oahu island.

Those that like adventure can choose from a wide
variety of water sports and land activities on
Oahu. If you would like to spend your vacation in
or near the water, you should try surfing, scuba
diving, or windsurfing. The land activities here
include hiking through rain forests, biking along
the mountain ranges, even parachuting.

If you happen to be staying on Waikiki Beach, there
are many shops that rent outrigger canoes, surf
boards, and other gear on the beach. You can even
go to the Kapiolani Park for tennis, archery, and
even jogging.

Romantic beach vacations on Oahu Island range from
renewing your wedding vows to luxurious beach service
at one of the several hotels. If you've never
tasted pink beer or champagne, Mai Tai Bar is the
place you should check out.

If you would rather stay in a more secluded area,
Kahala Mandarin Oriental is 10 minutes away from
Waikiki Beach and offers a long sandy beach, great
service, and swimming with the dolphins - which is
something everyone is sure to enjoy.

Family beach vacations
Oahu is a destination that offers many different
activities for the entire family. You can choose
from children's programs at Waikiki Beach hotels,
hands on programs, and a variety of watersports.
The Honolulu Zoo, the Waikiki Aquarium, and the
See Life Park of Hawaii are just a few of the
attractions the whole family can enjoy together.

The Waikiki Beach is shallow and water is calm
almost year round, especially in the winter months
when the surf stayes under three feet. There are
certain parts of the beach that have a life guard
on duty watching over swimmers and surfers.

If you are interested in Hawaiian culture on your
beach vacation, Oahu Island offers a selection of
museums, historical attractions, and several
exhibits. With several villages and culture
exhibits, you can learn anything you desire about
the culture of Hawaii.

When the time comes for your beach vacation, the
island of Oahu is a dream come true. The entire
family will love it here, with the island also being
perfect for just a lovers vacation. If you've
never had the pleasure of going to Hawaii - there
is no better time than now.


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Nymphomania be gone


Nymphomania, being one of the most ill-defined terms in psychology, has had and interesting history colored by culture, morality, and religion. The term, as well as the male counterpart of it, have both been removed and replaced by a new term. The new term, hyper sexuality, is encountering the same debates on objectivity that the original disorders encountered, however.

mental health, psychosis, stress and anxiety, therapy, treatment

Nymphomania (and the male counterpart, satyriasis) are no longer official psychological disorders. Arguably, the two above conditions were never really mental health issues in the first place. Rather, the two seemed more like reactions and developments based on culture, morality, and perception. Indeed, even when the two were official problems, it was difficult to define what sort of sexual behavior could be considered to fall under them. Most of the definitions of nymphomania stem from a time when study of a woman's mental health was intrinsically linked to the condition of her genitalia and sexual health. Scientifically speaking, there probably is a correlation, but not in the way it was originally envisioned.

The History Behind It

The psychosis (and the term is used loosely) classification known as nymphomania is categorized by excessive sexual behavior. This was defined during a time when human sexuality was poorly understood and a number of beliefs on appropriate female behavior were prevalent. Essentially, during the time that the term was coined and classified as a form of psychosis, women were not supposed to have sexual urges. Women who had mental and emotional stability did not behave in a sexual manner, the definition at the time being a very stringent one. Activities such as flirting were often enough to arouse suspicion, but there are recorded examples of more extreme behavior, such as public masturbation and sexually attacking random men. While women in these reports certainly had some form of mental health disorder, most experts now agree that it was not nymphomania.

Subjective Definitions and Diagnosis

Nymphomania has always been the target of subjective definitions. Judging whether or not a woman's advances and behavior are inappropriate is difficult, mainly because there are countless factors involved. For example, the relative moral climate of the time and place where the assessment is made can play a role. What would have been considered nymphomaniac-like behavior during the late 18th or 19th century could be considered rather typical sexual behavior for today's generation. Also, individual perceptions can make it impossible to find a consensus on what does and does not fall under the term. What may be seen as lewd and offensive to one observer could be little more than an expression of sexual health and interest for another. This gave nymphomania the distinction of being the only mental health disorder wherein the diagnosis relies entirely on the judgment of the psychologist, and not based on some objective standard.

Removal From the Books

The terms nymphomania and satyriasis have both been removed from the list of disorders, replaced by the term hypersexuality. The term is not quite a direct replacement of the above. In spirit, it covers much the same problem, but the letter of the definitions and descriptions differ. The new term only takes effect when the behavior becomes clinically dangerous, rather than relying on socio-cultural judgments. In other words, there has to be some sort of notable psychiatric effect other than the behavior itself. However, there is still debate on what would have to be considered before someone is diagnosed with having hypersexuality. The term has been accepted, but there is still heated debate on what behavioral signs are to be taken as symptoms of the problem. For the time being, the only consensus is when the behavior becomes disruptive to other activities and psychological processes.


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New York City: Travelers Paradise

And that isnt an empty boast.

New York City, hailed as the city that never sleeps, fondly known as the Big Apple, is home to approximately eight million people and with the population still expected to rise in the years to come. New York City is touted as the center of the world maybe because each part of the globe has left an indelible mark in this place. From food to works of art to culture exhibits to tourist spots, whatever it is you want your senses to take pleasure in, New York City most probably has it.

Hotels : This is one of the common problems that travelers encounter when setting foot on foreign land. In New York City, however, you need not worry that you wont be provided with the kind of services you expect to receive. If youre the artsy type fond of bohemian living then youll probably love to stay in New York Citys Greenwich Village or downtown Soho. If youre a yuppy and youre attached to your PDA learning about the stock market, then youll feel ri


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Nyc national parks offer glimpse of history

NYC National Parks Offer Glimpse of History

If you are considering a vacation in New York, planning ahead is the only way to go. There are simply so many things to see and do that you must have at least a general idea of how you want to spend your days before you can even begin to get started. New York is one of the greatest cities in the world, it didn't get that way without a reason and it has a long history that is part of its greatness.

If I were to choose how to spend my time in New York and what wonderful things about New York City to introduce my children to, I would choose to introduce them to those things that bore the most historical significance first in order for that to really sink in and not be competing with the Nintendo Store or the really cool keyboard at FAO Schwarz. I would want my children to understand the history of our country good and bad and I want them to someday instill in their own children the importance of that history.

By visiting the national parks first, I will have enjoyed the benefits of the price tag (free is good almost anyway you slice it, particularly when you and your children are getting an education) in addition to fresh minds on which to impart this crucial knowledge about the birth of our democracy. Ellis Island is a great place to visit, but I think I will show them the statue from afar rather than taking the ferry ride out there. There is just so much to do in New York and every second counts. I want them to have a wonderful time as much as I want them to gain some wonderful insights that they can share with their friends at school as well (something other than the latest and greatest new Game Cube game that is coming out soon).

Some of the important national parks I'd like to take my children include: Federal Hall, where Washington was inaugurated, Grant's Tomb, Theodore Roosevelt's Birthplace, and Castle Clinton, which was designed in order to keep invaders out. I would also like to take them to Saint Paul's Church. Not for religious reasons but for Religious freedom issues. I think there is an important lesson to be learned here even today, perhaps especially today.

I think the lessons that can be learned about the history of our nation in New York City are just as important as the lessons that can learned in Washington or Philadelphia. This country has taken many steps along the road to democracy and we've stumbled a few times along the way. There would have never been the Salem Witch Trials, the Civil War, or the Civil Rights Movement if he hadn't but we've come so far and still have so far to go. I want my children to learn from our past and to look forward to our future.

I think these are the lessons we can learn from our state parks and those are much more valuable than the lessons we can learn in toy stores and throwing Frisbee in Central Park. I want my children to visit museums and toy stores and see new cultures, I also want them to take home with them a deep sense of the history of our great nation.


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Nuts and bolts of residual income

Nuts And Bolts Of Residual Income

Residual income is the crme de la crme of revenue. In its most general incarnation it is little more than the act of receiving an income from an activity you performed only once. Artists, such as musicians or writers, know this form of residual income as a royalty. This is an income that can be very attractive to those in business.

For those who are loyal viewers of the late night infomercials that so frequently tout their business opportunities where you can make money ...



Residual income is the crme de la crme of revenue. In its most general incarnation it is little more than the act of receiving an income from an activity you performed only once. Artists, such as musicians or writers, know this form of residual income as a royalty. This is an income that can be very attractive to those in business.

For those who are loyal viewers of the late night infomercials that so frequently tout their business opportunities where you can make money while you are sleeping, the term residual income is most likely a familiar concept simply because it is used within the context of such ads. Although overstated in that particular venue, there is a bona fide methodology on the Internet for earning this kind of profit! This is not an area that should be ignored, especially if you are seeking different ways to generate income.

With respect to online ventures, the holy grail of residual income is the affiliate marketing relationship that may be entered into between a hopeful entrepreneur and an e-book company or multi level marketing business. While many mistakenly believe that any kind of network marketing scheme will permit for residuals to continue earning money, the real profit is to be made with memberships, or clubs.

Requiring a consumer to pay a certain fee on a continuous basis translates into repeat earnings for the marketer. Business opportunities of this kind may usually found in the information sector or essential online services sectors, such as web hosting services, newsletter publishers, savings club memberships, and also travel club benefits.

Unfortunately many a would-be entrepreneur does not realize that in order to find subscribers, one must be a subscriber oneself! This requires certain expenditures and even though the figures are generally low, the fact that you will first have to recoup your expense before you can realize a profit at times is a deterrent especially if there are several programs the individual is considering.

Similarly, the fact that while it is possible to make money as you sleep if you have built up a respectable network of interested consumers, more often than not much of your online activity will revolve around marketing, promoting, and showcasing the benefits of the opportunity which you want other to sign up for.

Indeed, anyone who is thinking of making a lucrative living with the help of residual income ought to think long and hard about the income potential when compared against the backdrop of the expenditure of money, time, energy, and also when compared with other online activities and their income potential.

The odds are good that for someone not currently plugged in with a large network of potential clients or a well developed audience, the work required to create a lucrative residual income business is more time consuming and labor intensive than the potential benefits. Unless you find a great opportunity which clearly outlines your potential for earnings, you may wish to move on to more profitable ventures.


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Nuts and bolts of data recovery

Nuts And Bolts Of Data Recovery

You must be aware of the fact that everyday your computer is at risk to almost all the computer disasters available. Whether you are using Mac or a Personal Computer, viruses, hackers, power surges, natural disasters, human errors, hardware failures and many threats can be encountered. For you to keep your data in a safe, you will need to do a back up on your hard drives. However, when hard drive failure takes place, your only solution is data recovery.

Ideally, you need t...

free data recovery, recovery program, recovery service

You must be aware of the fact that everyday your computer is at risk to almost all the computer disasters available. Whether you are using Mac or a Personal Computer, viruses, hackers, power surges, natural disasters, human errors, hardware failures and many threats can be encountered. For you to keep your data in a safe, you will need to do a back up on your hard drives. However, when hard drive failure takes place, your only solution is data recovery.

Ideally, you need to back up data to keep your files safe and sound. It is also done to avoid the use of complicated process like data recovery. But if you run into steps to prepare your computer from hard drive problems, you might find it hard and experience problems.

Make Sure That You Know The Meaning of Data Recovery:

If you are working diligently away on a document or spreadsheet in Microsoft Office and the power goes out, you may still be able to recover the documents you were working on when the lights come back on. This type of data recovery is relatively easy and straightforward. Software manufacturers recognize that power outages are inevitable and unpredictable and most office applications incorporate what is known as auto save features.

At set intervals, the documents you have open are saved to a cached file. They remain in that cached state and should be accessible once your power is restored. Simply opening microsoft word or Excel will usually bring these documents back. For instance, when you open Word after a power failure or a software error, you will be presented with a document followed by the word recovered in parentheses. This is the document you were working on at the most recent auto save point. You may still lose a couple minutes worth of work this way, but it sure beats having to go back and retype the entire document.

If the recovered document does not appear automatically, search your hard drive for files ending with tamp. Look for one created close to the time of the power failure or software error and open it. This is most likely the document you had open at the time. If this method of data recovery does not work, you may need to follow the steps listed below.

Try to Call an Expert:

If some programs in your computer do not function well, turn your computer system off. This is a very easy task but you need to do it. This can prevent damages on the disks and avoids data loss. If you will notice an unusual sound, the process is already taking place. The moment you notice that your hard drives are working overtime, you need to turn your computer system off to avoid your computer to self-destruct. If you will not do this simple task, you have your computer system damaged.

There is also a do-it-yourself software for data recovery. However, you have to be careful in choosing which one is for you. Most of the self instructed data recovery software are very complicated and are dangerous by nature. This can ruin the function of your computer instead of treating it. If someone boast about the effectiveness of their data recovery self instruction, be able to know how to handle it properly. Read carefully the instruction and do it well.


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